Wednesday, June 11, 2008

::Foreign Films::

I love learning about different cultures and yearn to one day travel about the world. This ambition will most likely happen a little at a time and I will do most of it through mission trips. As of lately though I have been accidentally seeing a few foreign films and so far they have been incredible. I am loving the "Bollywood" types of films with tons of beautiful songs and lively colors, like Saawariya. But I also watched Pans Labyrinth, I appreciated the language of the film but it was a little dark and scifi for me, and there was a lot more blood than I expected. If you have any other suggestions on great foreign films please send them my way!


Anonymous said...

Her Sarah!
You can find all those reviews and recommendations here at the Culturazzi Cognoscente Club,
a society which pursues similar interests and a variety of others. It strives to bring people in arts, cinema, literature, music and theater across the world together on a common platform, where they can share their thoughts, opinions, and interact with each other.

Happy visiting! and hope it helps :)

Anonymous said...

Oops looks like we have a problem with the link..
