Monday, October 20, 2008

::Fall Break::

I knew coming into this fall break that it had the potential to be rather boring because I had chosen to be on duty (as an RA). That meant four days with no one at the dorms to amuse me. But I was wonderfully surprised that this break has been anything but boring. I feel like I have done tons of fun stuff, while being "stuck" in the dorms. I've gone out for sushi, picked and carved pumpkins, made puppie chow, and played phase ten for hours. Really, it hasn't been too bad. And the fun continues tonight as myself and some friends dive into the land of Quelf (you just have to experience it for yourself). So thank you to all of the lovely people who made this weekend full of festivities.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

::Pride Commeth Before the Fall::

For those who know me well, they will have a great understanding on how independent I am. I like to do things on my own, and really don't need help. I think this can be a great part of who I am and the motivation that I need at times. But this is also can be manifested negatively through Pride. This weekend was just one way that I noticed this. So we, some friends and I, got the great opportunity to go see the Mighty Mizzou Tigers battle it out through some football against OSU. Mind you this is the first time I have ever been to a college football game. So I thought I was being smart by wearing "comfortable" shoes (aka flip flops), little did I know that there was a mile and a half walk to the stadium. To make a long story short, I got some really nasty blisters on the bottoms of my feet (bad enough where I was close to tears, and I hardly ever cry). But where my prideful self came in was when we were leaving our "spots" at the game. For those who know the stadium we were on the hill (and when I say hill I mean was steep). So having really sore feet and attempting the hill was a joke. I tried my hardest to get up it and while trying to avoid falling into people, refused all help to get up the hill. Until a young man who will remain nameless offered his hand (for the second time, mind you) I swallowed my pride took his hand and got to the stairs. Why do I refuse help? Because I assume I can do it. Sometimes I feel like I do this to God. I tell him, "I don't need your help, I am fully capable of doing it myself." But in reality, I am so broken and need His direction, mercy, and love, and more often then not his discipline. So I will leave you with this, in hope that I will learn the same.
"When pride comes, then comes dishonor, But with the humble is wisdom. The integrity of the upright will guide them, But the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them." Proverbs 11:2-3.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I feel like I haven't written in forever, I apologize.
Today, I got the chance to get away from everything and saw a movie with a couple of friends.
This movie, Fireproof, was such a refreshment to my eyes and ears. Often in movies we are bombarded with negativity and sadness, but this despite a few tears from happiness left you with hope. It begins with a loveless marriage in which both people want out. But Caleb (Kirk Cameron) is given a challenge by his father that literally changes his life.
It is not often that you hear bible verses, Christian music, and especially the Gospel message in a movie. I highly recommend this movie to all people, not just those who are married.
Happy Viewing!
My "Ebert and Roeper" Score: Two thumbs up