Friday, May 2, 2008

::Trader Joes: a shopping experience::

For a long time my friends have told me about this wonderful place to go grocery shopping called Trader Joe's. I had been curious about this place and had been wanting to check it out for a while but today I finally did. And boy was I surprised. First of all the prices are amazing, the store is mostly if not all organic and the cost of everything was about 2/3 of the price that one would get at a normal grocery store. Being a College student that is a wonderful concept. Second the organic thing, I was not taught the whole organic concept so I have been trying to educate myself about eating healthy and well. So this store is only showing me positive alternatives, which I appreciate. I promise you that I will be visiting this wonderful place again and often.


Jacob said...

I have never been. Perhaps I will visit there some day. Where is it located?

Marie said...

I LOVE Trader Joes! :-)