I am learning a secret, the secret is that these 'hard things' may be one of the best things to happen to a person. It allows a person to understand that they cannot continue on by themselves. A person will fail if they do not rely on God. And God, in His infinite power, places specific people in a persons life to gain wisdom from.
So what 'hard things' are you dealing with? Financial issues, death of a loved one, failed test, medical issues.... the list can go on and on. I am learning that I must trust and have faith. I have a friend who continually tried to get me to understand what true faith was, and now going through 'hard things', I understand. This understanding has caused more joy than I have experienced in a long time. So in the end, I'm thankful for these 'hard things', as it has allowed faith and joy to abound! Praise Him.
So to encourage those few people who may stumble across this post..... Trust God, and perhaps those 'hard things' may be a blessing and not as impenetrable as they seem.
Well said, friend.
I love this. :)
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