The theme of the past six months of my life has been "Growing Up" or what I like to consider "Becoming an Adult". I think during this time I have shed more tears, thrown hands up in the air with frustration, and learned the value of the advice of those older than me.
Just in the past week I bought short term life insurance and bought a car!
But on top of all of this God has really been upsetting my life, but in a totally awesome way! I know there is a reason why He has me here at my job and I believe it is so that I can encourage, love, and listen to the ladies around me. I don't think I've truly understood the mission field around me until now. To be intentional and see others in the wonderful eyes of my Savior, is exactly what I've been waiting for. It is what I have been made for. It's what you have been made for too!
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