My heart is breaking every day. The great part is that it is not breaking because of me, but instead because of God. I have never been a very compassionate person, I don't know why? I have a hard time walking in someone elses shoes. And then showing them that I care. But one at a time, okay sometimes many at once, people have came to me with burdens. These are burdens I have never been around and often don't know what to say. I just listen the best I can and show them Gods love through what He promises in His word. Thank you God for breaking my heart and please give me the words the point these people to you.
I think this type of growth is good. Keep seeking Scripture, study those who need help, and ask God for wisdom.
Have you heard the song, "Give Me Your Eyes" by Brandon Heath? If not, you should look up the lyrics. Everytime I hear that song on the radio I am reminded of God's compassion and how I need his eyes.
Good post.
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