That's right, a college friend of mine (T) spent the weekend with me as we painted the town red. Okay we really didn't paint the town red, and it wasn't just me and her, as she often has ulterior motives for coming to see "me". But I still had a great time. My best friend and roommate was out of town so T was a nice distraction. It started out with a easy lunch on Friday afternoon followed by watching a movie until T and her "ulterior motive" left for dinner. Then I took a nap and got a call later to meet up with them and other friends to play a rowdy game of phase 10. We finished up really late and made plans to see the movie Get Smart (Review of that to come later). So the next morning T and I got up to see the movie then went to the wonderful Chick-fil-A for lunch. All in all it was a good day. Then this morning T left for her home, I hope there will be many more great weekends with T.
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