I can't even begin to explain to you how sore and exhausted I am. No, I haven't just fought forty ninjas for seven hours, but I have moved more mattresses than I ever care to see again in my life. Then today I began the final room change of the summer. I knew when I interviewed for the position of Resident Assistant (RA) that summer would entail a lot of cleaning and moving large pieces of furniture, but I didn't realize the degree of this momentous task or the commitment it would take. I enjoy serving other people, but it is difficult when one cannot see the joy of a freshman's face while seeing their dorm room for the first time. I know move-in day is fastly approaching, but I don't necessarily want it to come any faster.
Then again, soon all the halls will be set up appropriately and my room will be ready for my roommate to move in.
....Do I smell the seasons of change?....