Sunday, February 20, 2011

::Beautiful is the New Black::

"I want to be beautiful
Make you stand in awe
Look inside my heart,
and be amazed
I want to hear you say
Who I am is quite enough
Just want to be worthy of love
And beautiful"
-Bethany Dillon "Beautiful"

I had just gotten out of the shower and threw on my robe and looked in the mirror and said to myself, "you look pretty." And then I realized that I have never said that to myself. I often look over my reflection and see all of the imperfections (the double chin, the zit that just popped up or my makeup that I couldn't get just right). And I realized in all of this criticalness that I'm sinning. Not only am I doubting Gods creation but I'm also incredibly insecure. Actually, I feel insecure writing this right now, wondering if those reading this will judge. But that is okay. I need to announce that all of God's creations are beautiful! And that may seem trite, or simplified, but it is true. I must bask in the truth that all of creation is beautiful, including me, and including YOU. So dear reader, please know that you are not alone in your insecurity. But God has made you exactly the way you are and only sees beauty.

Pink is not the new black, blue is not the new black, lets make beauty the new black.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Since about late high school I have had this desire in the back parts of my heart. My desire is this.... to one day adopt and/or be a foster parent to a child. Or if God blesses me in this a multitude of children. Yes, I know children are very expensive, and time consuming. And if you know me at all, you also understand that I'm not very "children friendly". But I can't shake this desire that I have.
You may ask, "Do you have a particular choice of nationality, gender, or age?" And the answer is a big fat NOPE! I know God will bring to me exactly what He desires. I have no problem with younger, older, blacker, asianer, or what ever he has for me. A friend of mine recently shared her passion for the exact same thing, and she posed the question of Gods sovernty in bringing a man with the same desire. To be honest, I never thought about that. I know God will bring a man into my life that has the same passion, sooner or later.
So excuse my ramblings, but I have one last things to share.
I believe adoption makes me most excited due to the fact that I'm adopted. I'm adopted into the family of God. And let me tell you it is the best family out there. I have brothers and sisters who are of many different races and ages. It's pretty rad cause, I got a great dad. (That rhymed, unintentional.)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

::Doing Hard Things::

I believe the fiery red-head, Lucille Ball, says it best, "In life, all good things come hard, but wisdom is the hardest to come by." Growing up has its difficulties, but for some reason recent generations of people forget that there will be times when 'hard things' must be done. I, myself, can be included in this recent generation.
I am learning a secret, the secret is that these 'hard things' may be one of the best things to happen to a person. It allows a person to understand that they cannot continue on by themselves. A person will fail if they do not rely on God. And God, in His infinite power, places specific people in a persons life to gain wisdom from.
So what 'hard things' are you dealing with? Financial issues, death of a loved one, failed test, medical issues.... the list can go on and on. I am learning that I must trust and have faith. I have a friend who continually tried to get me to understand what true faith was, and now going through 'hard things', I understand. This understanding has caused more joy than I have experienced in a long time. So in the end, I'm thankful for these 'hard things', as it has allowed faith and joy to abound! Praise Him.

So to encourage those few people who may stumble across this post..... Trust God, and perhaps those 'hard things' may be a blessing and not as impenetrable as they seem.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

::World Citizen (and not the class)::

My eyes have been opened to my ignorance. I know that a statement like that can be considered dramatic, but my roommate T has shown me how limited my knowledge is regarding world news. As a world citizen I should be concerned about those who are hurting or in distress. But more importantly, as a Christ-follower I should be aware and be praying for those people around the world. Often I realize how selfish my prayer life has become and this has to change. And the first way to change it is to educate myself on the happenings of the world.
These are the recent things that I have learned:
  • Egypt, specifically Cairo, is going through utter chaos. (Political unrest)
  • The midwest had a major snowstorm hit (people have deemed it a snowpocalypse)
  • Sex traffic increases due to the Superbowl (I find this to be so sad)
  • Cyclone hits Queensland (To be honest, I'm not sure where Queensland is located)
  • Japan's Mt.Shinmoe erupts (famous for being in a James Bond movie)