A week or two ago Kelly surprised me with a ticket to tonight's Shane and Shane concert at Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church. So we got there half an hour before the doors opened thinking that there was going to be a huge line, well there wasn't so we just walked in and found out that the band (Shane & Shane and Bethany Dillon) had just got there. So we offered to help set out shirts or whatever needed to be done, and then walked in this lady with a stroller who looked a little frazzled. She then said her name was Kelly and wanted to know if we could help her. We said yes, and then she asked us if we could take her small adorable daughter, olive, to the green room and entertain her. Kelly and I are not really children type people but said yes. We then realize that Kelly is Shane Everett's Wife and Olive is his daughter. So we are trying to play with a 1.5 year old and in walks bethany dillon, she is so down to earth and just starts chatting with us. Both Shanes now enter and we all sit down and eat dinner together. This was the coolest thing ever. We then go out to the auditorium and pick a front row seat to watch the sound check before the doors even open.
The concert was absolutely incredible but I was a little distracted from the events just prior. Kelly and I were in awe that we had just met the people who created the music that we woke up to everyday over the summer. Who knew all of the perks of babysitting?